Sky-High It

I like to plan. I like to make lists and check them off. Organization appeals to me. It's the main reason I was drawn to librarianship. But, I also like to dream. I like to imagine what's possible. I like to toss around big ideas and see where they land. When it comes to long-range planning, I'm in my element. I'm planning, AND I'm dreaming.

When we brainstorm at work, I always say, "sky-high it." It's kind of a motto of mine. I'd like to believe that my staff is comfortable sharing their ideas, big and small. When Matthew, our Teen Librarian, casually mentioned how nice it would be if the periodical room became the teen room, we made it happen. When former staff member and current Farm Manger of Indy Urban Acres, Tyler Gough, filled up my doorway and simply stated, "Let's start a community garden," we got to it. And, when a young mother mentioned how much she appreciated designated nursing areas in public places, our wheels started spinning. When we brainstorm, no idea is off the table.

We are always brainstorming, always planning. But, this year is different. This year we begin planning for the next three years at the library. We are taking a deeper dive in the areas of technology, facilities, collections, programs, services, and collaborations to see what we can do and what we can do better.

Over the next several months, we'll be around. You might see us. We'll be at the grocery store. We'll be on the sidewalk. We'll be on Facebook. We will be using new and creative ideas to engage our patrons to see what you want in your public library. Because, in the end, that's whom it's about. It's about you. The Pendleton Community Public Library is YOUR library, so you have every say in the matter. Won't you tell us what you think? "Sky-high it."

Lynn Hobbs
PCL Director

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