Get a Pendleton Community Library Card

Library Cards are Free

Pendleton Community Library cards are free to anyone ages 5 and up living in Fall Creek, Green, or Adams Townships.  You are also eligible to obtain a library card if you pay property taxes in any of these townships.

It is necessary to verify your current address in order to issue a card. 

If you are applying for a new library card, you must show one piece of photo identification, preferably a current Indiana driver’s license or state-issued identification card. If the address information on the driver’s license or identification card is correct, and within the library’s tax district, a library card will be issued. 

If the address on the photo ID is not correct, or if the ID has been issued by another state, you will have to show two alternate forms of secondary identification along with your photo ID.

Patrons who are not able to show a current photo ID at the time of registration will be required to show a current photo ID within six months of their original registration.

The library also offers online registration!  Click HERE to apply for a library card online.  More information about online registration can be found below, in the section titled Online Registration.


Teachers and Students 

If you are a teacher or student at any public or non-public preK-12 school in Fall Creek, Green, or Adams Townships, you may be issued a card.

Teacher cards are issued after confirming current employment in the local school.  Employment may be verified with a school ID, pay stub, or verification on school letterhead.

Student card are issued after confirming current enrollment in the local school.  Enrollment may be verified with a student ID, report card, or verification on school letterhead.


Indiana Public Library Access Card (PLAC)

If you live in the state of Indiana but outside of Madison County, you may use an Indiana Public Library Access Card (PLAC) to access services at Pendleton Community Library. The PLAC program allows an individual to borrow materials directly from any public library in Indiana. An individual who holds a valid public library card may obtain a PLAC. The annual fee for a PLAC is $65.00.


Non-Resident Card

Individuals may purchase a non-resident PCL card by paying the current non-resident fee of $40.


Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges with Indiana Libraries

Pendleton Community Library also has a reciprocal agreement with libraries throughout the state. Visit the front desk for additional information and to see if we have a reciprocal agreement with your home library.


Online Registration

If you are 18 or older, you may register online for a library card.  Once your information is verified, your library card will be mailed to you. In order to check out physical materials from the library, the pieces of identification referenced above will need to be presented to a library staff member at checkout.  Click HERE to register for a library card online!


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