New Nursing Nook

I'm not a mom.  But, I don't have to be a mom to understand that nursing a baby in the restroom is kinda gross.  I mean, I wouldn't eat a sandwich in the bathroom.  And, I wouldn't want my kid to eat a sandwich in the bathroom, even if he or she was too young to know any better.  Sometimes there isn't a better option, and you've gotta do what you've gotta do.  But, at the Pendleton Community Public Library, we want to provide nursing mothers with an option WAY better than the bathroom.

To that end, we are pleased to introduce the Nursing Nook.  This space is dedicated specifically for nursing mothers and is equipped with a comfy chair and reading materials for moms.  There is plenty of space in the Nook for Mom, baby, and another kiddo that might be in tow.  A chalkboard wall and fun activities help to keep everybody occupied during mealtime for the little one. 

The Nursing Nook is located in the lobby outside of the children's storytime room.  The room is locked at all times.  Simply request the key from the children's reference desk or the main circulation desk, where it should also be returned. 

Even though I'm not a mom, I DO think it's pretty cool for the public library to offer this space for nursing mothers.  It shows that we value you, dear patron.  We value your health and wellness and that of your children.  We value your beliefs and your passions.  And we will always respond to your needs whenever possible.

Lynn Hobbs, PCL Director

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