Library of Things

On more than one occasion, I have had guests take a cursory glance around my house and ask, "Where's all your stuff?"  Truth be told, I don't have a lot of stuff.  Mainly, because I don't want a lot of stuff.  But, naturally there comes a time when I need some stuff, even if just for a day.  Take my recent birthday party, for example.  We decided to host a nacho bar, and I was in need of a triple crock pot.  Thankfully, I was able to borrow one from a friend, and I was able to keep the cheese, chicken, and beef warm throughout the festivities.

It's possible I may need a triple crock pot again.  But, I cannot really justify the expense for once every few years, nor do I want it taking up space in the house.  I suppose I could continually ask to borrow it, but that doesn't feel right either. 

That's where the "Library of Things" comes in.  Many libraries across the country, and even the world, have been circulating more than books.  Sewing machines, power washers, and triple crock pots have found their way into library collections, ready for checkout by patrons who occasionally need them.  Here at the Library, we're intrigued by the idea and curious as to how it might work in Pendleton.

Like any good collection development plan, we want to tailor our Library of Things to serve our unique community.  So, we need your help.  Please tell us what you'd like to see in our Library of Things.  What is that one item that you use every spring for a few hours, or that you might need for your annual birthday party?  I'm suggesting a triple crock pot.

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