The mission of the Pendleton Community Public Library is to provide traditional library services, creative initiatives, and up-to-date technology in a comfortable facility with friendly, helpful staff. In alignment with the library’s mission to provide traditional library services, the Pendleton Community Public Library provides access to a collection of materials which may be checked out to patrons, in accordance with this policy.

All card holders are provided fair and equal access to the library’s collection, regardless of age, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender / gender identity, religion, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

Any individual who owns property, resides, or attends school in the library’s service district may be issued a library card at no charge. Specific information for how to apply for a library card, as well as stipulations for different types of library cards, may be found on the library’s Library Card Issuance Policy.

Patrons wishing to authorize another registered borrower to pick up holds and/or check out on their account should do so in person. If permission to use a card has been granted to a person other than the card holder, that person is to be listed or linked to the account. Patrons listed on an account are allowed to pick up holds only. Patrons linked to accounts have full use access. Any library card holder who presents a card other than their own must themselves be in good standing with the library, regardless of the card on which they wish to check out. Users will be held responsible for materials and charges resulting from others’ authorized use of their barcode, library card, and account. Patrons may not borrow items on an account that has fees exceeding $20.00.

Patrons who do not have their library cards with them must show a current photo ID in order to check out materials. Lost or stolen cards should be reported to the library.

Anyone wishing to check out Library of Things items, Kits, or Games must have a signed user agreement on file. Temporary Cards are not eligible for interlibrary loans, nor can they be used to check out items requiring a separate signed user agreement.

Individual policies regarding loan limits renewals, and restrictions are detailed in the Circulation Schedule.

Material Type Checkout Limit Circulation Period Renewals Allowed Restrictions
Books 50 14 days 3 None

Music CDs

Explicit Music CDs

10 14 days 3


No Juvenile

DVDs 3 3 days 1 No Juvenile
DVDs TV Series 3 14 days 1 No Juvenile
Periodicals 10 14 days 1 None
Audiobooks 10 14 days 3 None


Quick Hotspots


7 days

3 days


No Juvenile, No Temporary

$2.00 checkout fee for Quick Hotspot

CD / Book Combo 10 14 days 3 None
Kits 2 14 days 1 No Juvenile
Library of Things 2 3 days 3 No Juvenile, No Temporary
Game 5 7 days 3 No Juvenile, No Temporary

Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees
January 10, 2024

             © Pendleton Community Public Library 2024
             Designed and hosted by Solutions4Ebiz